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Here you will find hints, tips and painting guides from both artists at Shadow and Flame miniature painting, sculpting and converting studio
Great Beast of Gorgoroth Assembly
A You tube video in three parts by Flame which takes you through the assembly of the tricky Great Beast of Gorgoroth model.

An in depth guide as to how Shadow paints his Gundabad Orcs.

An in depth stage by stage of how Flame paints his Army of the dead.

An in depth step by step with pictures as to how Shadow paints his Palace Guard.

A quick guide to how Shadow achieved the skin tone variation on a batch of Hunter Orcs.
Painting Dain Ironfoot
An in depth look at how Shadow completed the paint job on Dain (on foot version)
Flame shows how to convert the three available poses of the Gundabad Berserkers into numerous dynamic poses. Aimed at the novice sculptor.
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