Shadow and Flame is a sculpting and painting joint venture between established sculptor "Flame" Mr Dave Fredericks aka Ukfreddybear of Majestic Bear Miniatures and painter "Shadow" Kev Lawrence aka Dead Marsh Spectre from The Dead Marshes.
We are happy to paint, sculpt and convert miniatures from any games range and supplier. Hit the "Commission quote" link above to discuss your chosen piece with us today!
Keep up to date with our current projects in the blog section of the site or alternatively hit the like button on our facebook page.
Thank you for visiting Shadow & Flame!

IWelcome to the new home of Shadow & Flame. Please take the time to have a look round at the various features integrated into its pages.
Here you can meet the team and put faces to the names Shadow & Flame.
Here you will find pictures of past works from both artists. Take a look.
A Summary of the fantastic services available to you here on the site. Shadow and Flame are here for all your Sculpting, Painting and Converting needs!
The Shadow & Flame Official Web store will soon be carrying the full range of fantastic S&F products. Lots more to come in the future.
Here we have tried to answer some of the most commonly asked questions which we have encountered.
Use this section to make initial contact to discuss your proposed project. Further discussions can be continued by email.
Keep up to date with what we're up to by following our integrated blog. Regualrly updated and with hints and tips being added all the time.
Had some work done by Shadow & Flame? Leave us your comments and feedback in our guestbook. Our clients comments are of great importance to us. Thank you.
Here you will find tutorials, guides, hints and tips from both artists.

Basing Options
A rough guide to the options available.
Standard - Mini based on game relevant base. Minimal height.
Heroic - Game legal base but with added height. Height decided by client.
Mini Display - Game legal base or up to 50mm base size. For display purposes only.
Large Display - Plinth mounted or 60mm base and above display pieces.
Please Note : All display pieces can have their models made removable and gaming bases provided also.
Recent Blog Entries

Shadow & Flame have now launched a You Tube channel and will be bringing you tutorials on how to assemble the more difficult models. Click the You Tube icon at the top of the page to view the latest video.