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1. Basecoat the entire mini with a 50/50 mix of Elysian Green/Skavenblight Dinge.

3. Light drybrush the entire mini with Ceramite White.

5. Highlight with a 50/50 mix of Nurgling Green/Administratum Grey.

7. Drybrush the chainmail with Ironbreaker.

9. Highlight the chainmail with Runefang Steel.

11. Give the whole model a glaze using a heavily watered down mix of the original basecoat.

Paints Required
VMC - Vallejo Model Colour
VGC - Vallejo Game Colour
GW - Games Workshop
​1. GW Elysian Green
2. GW Skavenblight Dinge
3. GW Administratum Grey
4. GW Ceramite White
5. GW Nuln Oil
6. GW Biel - Tan Green
7. GW Nurgling Green
8. GW Agrax Earthshade
9. GW Ironbreaker
10. GW Runefang Steel
11. GW Mournfang Brown
12. GW Tau Light Ochre
13. GW Teminatus Stone
2. Heavy drybrush the entire mini with Administratum Grey
4. Wash the mini with a 2/1/1 mix of Nuln Oil/Biel-Tan Green/Water
6. Wash with 50/50 mix of Agrax Earthshade/Water.
8. Wash the chainmail with Nuln Oil.
10. Highlight cloth/shield etc with Ceramite White.
12. Base the mini as you see fit. My rims are Mournfang Brown. Sand is stained with Brown Ink, then drybrushed with 50/50 mix of Tau Light Ochre/ Administratum Grey, followed by a light drybrush Teminatus Stone.
And there you have it, your completed warrior of the dead. So although there are 12 stages, they are very easy stages of drybrushing and washing most of the time. Thanks for reading and for those that make it through until the end hit the like button or feel free to leave a comment.